Title sponsor | $20,000
Event will be presented by (company name and logo displayed in presentation)
Company name and logo on all promotional material
Premier seating for two tables of 10 people
Company logo on step and repeat photo banner
10 complimentary annual memberships to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Company logo on Sponsor Recognition display at event
Full-page advertisement in event program
VIP seating at Fashion Show for 20 people
Welcome Sponsor | $8,000
Food and Beverage will be presented by (company logo and name displayed on food and beverage stations)
Company name and logo on all promotional material
Seating at one table for 10 people
5 complimentary annual memberships to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
One-half page advertisement in event program
VIP seating for Fashion Show for 10 people
Photo booth sponsor | $5000
Company logo on all digital photos
Company name and logo on all promotional material
Seating at one table for 10 people
VIP seating at Fashion Show for 10 people
Table Sponsor | $1250*
Company name and logo on all promotional material
Company name and logo on one table
Seating at one table for 10 people
VIP seating for Fashion Show for 10 people
SURVIVOR Sponsor | $500*
We are hosting some local survivors having their hair and make up done. They will also be dressed in a GKM Design dress make especially for them. Help these local survivors feel like Queens for the day!
Company name listed in event program
Two tickets to event
Please make all check payable to:
Fashion for Freedom, Inc.
Mail all donations to:
Fashion for Freedom, INC.
3714 Morris Place
Cincinnati, ohio 45226