Fashion for Freedom…
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, brings local awareness to human trafficking, and helps reinvent the lives of those impacted, empowering them to create a new future. Fashion for Freedom is located in downtown Cincinnati where sewing and jewelry making classes are held for local survivors as part of a program to bring survivors a sense of community and to give them skills that will lead to gainful employment. The ultimate goal of Fashion for Freedom is to create a production company to employ local survivors and create opportunities to help them create something beautiful.
Slavery exists anytime someone is forced to labor against his or her will, for the benefit of another,
with no ready means of escape. It happens to our girls and our boys, to our women and our men.
Some victims are brought here from other parts of the world. Lacking in English and immigration
status, they are at the mercy of the criminals who buy and sell them. Many more are born and
raised in our communities and enslaved by traffickers from within our communities, usually for
sexual exploitation that typically starts when the victims are young teens.
Fashion for Freedom offers hope, freedom and possibilities by educating the community and enabling them to help victims overcome the odds. Everyone has a role to play in ending slavery.
We invite you—our prominent business and community leaders—to become critical supporters of this fight within our community and beyond.